Latest and Greatest from Car-N-Art is local right here in the 313 area code. My good buddy and club brother Junebug has been painting up a storm in the last few months since the beginning of 2010 and finally hit me up to do his business identity. 'BugSpray' came from his old man who told him that would make a great name and we all agreed that it seemed to work perfect even in the sense that old hot rodders would paint cars with bug spray plunger cans.
For the ID we talked about something flashy like custom paint from the 60-70's and that was the direction to go with the lettering as well. Jason's business cards will actually be glitter vinyl stickers the same size and shape of a typical card, but can be put on anything. I did a mock up here with some different color schemes.

This project was relatively quick, though we began some time back with this simple variation which isn't far off from the end result.

And of course I didn't feel that I did enough illustration without doing up an actual June Bug for the card, but this didn't end up working out:
Also, this weekend is Torque Fest in Iowa. I'll be there with Junebug selling posters, framed photos, matted photos, patches and t-shirts so if you are planning on coming out, this is a great way to save on shipping items, plus all of the photos are only available at the shows, so here is your chance to own a one of a kind piece suitable to hang in the house, office or the garage. I will also have a limited print set of all 4 Vintage Toque Fest posters signed and numbered 1-100 that will be for sale exclusively at the show, so here is your chance to grab them up. I know John already mentioned many pre-orders have been pulled aside. Look for the Car-N-Art booth and drop by and say hello and help me put some gas in the truck for the way home!