It was 2008 in the spring (or was it 2007 in the winter?) when I got a call from my buddy Brett who was putting together a script about buddy zombies on a road trip adventure. He told me they needed a title slate for the film so they could start shopping it around. I gladly helped out with a few samples that ended up being used.
Months later I get another call. Brett this time needed a logo for the evil company that is in the story "Genutek". So again I got behind the mouse and made it happen.
Months later I get another call (now it's early summer of 2008) and Brett needs an assistant director for the film. At this point I was full time freelance and I wasn't sure how far down the rabbit hole I was going to get pulled. They claimed that the script was all broken down and they were going to shoot it in 3 weeks so all I had to do was show up and stay one shot in front of them.... little did I know!
Two years later now (August of 2010) Deadheads is all done and ready for the festival circuit. I've seen it now twice in it's finished state and I have to say I really like it, and I'm not being all the bias as I am a pretty critical film buff.
So as the film was in town here in the Detroit area last week for a cast and crew showing, many of the actors came into town as well. We finally had everybody in the same place at the same time for a photo shoot for some advertisements. Here is some of the work in action:

I put together a Deadheads poster with a "grindhouse" feel to it, much like the opening title sequence of the film itself.

Steven "Slavko" Milosavleski put together this one with some of the same photos from the shoot last week. His is a little more mellow, and perhaps a better representation of the film than mine.
There will be some more as the film starts getting into festivals here and there. Hopefully you all will get a chance to see this fun movie too!