Steve from was one of Car-N-Art's first customers and a happy one at that. I'm happy to have him around as he allows me to shine on design. Often he'll give me the freedom to 'take the ball and run with it' which is what I did on this three color front, two color back t-shirt for the Extend-O-Matic.
Some years back a volksrodder discovered a way to increase the wheel base of a volkswagon (volksrod) pushing it out 8" beyond the normal wheel base, creating a more roadster look to the whole design. Over the years many were produced and if you are into the scene you may have increased your front end too. To commemorate this discovery I was given the opportunity to do up these designs with a semi-sexual innuendo on the reverse side of the t-shirt.
Everyone around here is happy with it as am I. So be looking forward to dawning one of these on your back soon. Blue shirts were the staple idea, but other colors could be in the works.